What to expect

what to expect

Whether caused by problems in personal relationships or a more general feeling of unhappiness or despair, counselling and psychotherapy aims to help the individual break out of stifling or anxiety-provoking patterns and move forward in their lives.

This will often involve addressing past experiences and exploring how even a dimly remembered past can still affect and inform the present. The person coming for help is encouraged to bring their innermost thoughts, feelings, dreams and memories to the session and, through meaningful engagement with the therapist, create distance between themselves and the sources of pain.

The therapy relationship

As a psychoanalyst I work according to the view that the way we act and think is influenced as much by unconscious ideas as it is by those of which we are aware. The work of therapy aims to bring this unconscious material into the analytic relationship and to work it through in a safe, non-judgemental setting.


  • The fee per session is eighty pounds.
  • For trainees or those coming more than once per week, the fee may be negotiable.
  • Supervision fees are set at fifty pounds per meeting.